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Why don’t use BeO as substrate to make DBC ceramic PCB?
星期一, 22 6 月, 2020

It is widely known that BeO with high thermal conductivity (200-250W/m.k). High dielectric constant 6-7 (0.1MHz) and dielectric loss tangent is 10-4 (0.1GHz), extremely high working temprature. It is ideal material for ceramic PCB, lots of engineers want to use it as DBC ceramic PCB substrate.

But it is not popular in ceramic PCB market, comparing with Al2O3, AIN, Si3N4, or ZrO2, as the powder of BeO is extremely poisonous.

The poison gas is produced by the reaction between oxygen, Cu and BeO under 1065-1085 degrees Celsius, so it is limited to make cooper on BeO substrate, it has caused ALN (Aluminium Nitride) is becoming more and more popular.

Right now, only few countries are using BeO to make ceramic PCB, such as USA, Russia and China. USA had biggest capability to make BeO , and here in China, there’re still some companies to make BeO raw material and among them, a few companies to produce direct copper bonded (DCB) on BeO because of environment limitation.

Though BeO is not popular for DBC technology, but it is feasible for thick film technology, because when the mentalization of Ceramic PCB, the conductor (Au or AgPd) on BeO substrate was made by silk-screen printing, and drying temperature is only around 850C, no need to under high temperature environment, so there is no chemical reactions, no environment issue.

Below the thick film ceramic PCB manufacturing process for your reference.


Here is the photo of BeO with AgPd conductor.

BeO with AgPd conductor
BeO with AgPd conductor

Welcome to contact us if you have better idea, or different comments on BeO ceramic PCB, communation will make us becoming better and better.

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