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How much does a custom pcb cost per unit? How to calculate?
星期一, 2 9 月, 2024

In the field of electronic manufacturing, PCB (Printed Circuit Board) is an indispensable basic component. For electronic equipment manufacturers, it is very important to accurately calculate the cost of PCB circuit boards.

In the PCB processing plant, the cost estimation method of PCB is composed of many factors. Most of the cost comes from the number of layers, materials, drilling volume, and surface treatment process of the board. Generally speaking, the board cost is about half of the total cost.

What is the average cost of a PCB?

The average cost of PCB varies due to many factors, and there is no fixed value. ‌

The cost of PCB is mainly composed of the following parts:

1. Substrate cost: Substrate is the basic component of PCB. Common material types include FR4, CEM-1, aluminum substrate, etc. The price of different types of substrates varies greatly.

How much does a custom PCB cost per unit? How to calculate?

2. Process cost: The manufacturing process of PCB includes inner layer circuit production, lamination, drilling, electroplating, outer layer circuit production, solder mask treatment, text printing and surface treatment. Each step requires professional equipment and technicians to operate, so there will be corresponding costs.

3. Inspection cost: After the PCB is manufactured, a series of tests are required to ensure its quality, including electrical performance testing, reliability testing, and appearance inspection.

4. Other additional expenses: In addition to the above main costs, there are some additional expenses to consider, such as special design or modification services may require additional design fees. In addition, additional costs such as packaging, transportation, and taxes also need to be taken into consideration.

In summary, the cost of PCB is composed of multiple aspects, including substrate cost, process cost, inspection cost, and other additional expenses, which need to be comprehensively evaluated based on specific board type, number of layers, drilling amount, surface treatment process, and other factors.

How to calculate PCB design cost?

‌Material cost is an important part of design cost, including board, solder mask ink, chemical agents, etc. These costs are relatively easy to calculate, but the additional losses caused by material loss and risks during storage and use need to be considered.

‌Process cost covers equipment use time, worker wages, energy consumption, etc. When calculating the cost of equipment use, the frequency and duration of equipment use and the total investment cost should be taken into account.

‌Equipment depreciation and maintenance costs‌ are also a part that cannot be ignored, including the original price of the equipment, accumulated depreciation, and maintenance and repair costs.

‌Other related costs‌ such as administrative costs, quality control costs, and R&D costs, although more difficult to calculate, have a significant impact on the total cost of the project.

Material costs include substrate materials, circuit board materials, and copper foil, processing costs involve drilling, copper plating, graphic etching and other processes, and labor costs include direct and indirect labor costs. Through these calculations, plus a reasonable profit margin, the final PCB quotation is obtained.

What is the most expensive PCB?

The most expensive PCB may be an electroless nickel electroless palladium immersion gold (ENEPIG) PCB.

How much does a custom PCB cost per unit? How to calculate?

This electroplating material has a copper-nickel-palladium-gold layer structure that can be directly bonded to the electroplating layer through wires. The last layer of gold is very thin, just like electroless nickel immersion gold (ENIG).

The gold layer is soft, so excessive mechanical damage or deep scratches may expose the palladium layer. Although the gold layer is soft, ENEPIG’s PCB is often considered the first choice in high-end applications due to its high-quality electrical performance and durability, so its cost is relatively high.

In addition, the production of high-end precision PCB circuit boards is also expensive, including multi-layer boards, boards with BGA, HDI circuit boards, etc. These products usually require more complex production processes and higher material quality, so the cost is also relatively high.

How much does PCB assembly cost per component?

The PCB assembly cost of each component is composed of multiple factors, including board costs, processing costs, testing costs, and other additional costs. ‌

Board costs are an important part of PCB assembly costs. The types of boards, such as FR4, CEM-1, aluminum substrates, etc., have large price differences.

FR4 boards are widely used due to their excellent electrical and processing properties, but their prices are affected by fluctuations in the prices of raw materials such as international copper prices, epoxy resins, and glass fiber cloth.

Aluminum substrates are favored in certain specific applications due to their good heat dissipation performance, but their prices are usually much higher than FR4 boards.

‌Processing costs‌ cover multiple links in the PCB manufacturing process, such as inner layer circuit production, lamination, drilling, electroplating, outer layer circuit production, solder mask, text printing and surface treatment.

Each link requires professional equipment and technicians to operate, so there will be corresponding costs. In particular, the costs of steps such as drilling and electroplating will vary according to factors such as the number of holes, the area and thickness of the electroplating.

‌Testing costs‌ are an important link to ensure the quality of PCBs. After the production is completed, the PCB needs to undergo a series of tests, including electrical testing, reliability testing, and appearance inspection.

These tests require not only professional testing equipment, but also experienced testers to operate and analyze the results, so certain costs will also be incurred.

‌Other additional costs‌ include additional design fees that PCB manufacturers may charge if customers require special design or modification services. In addition, there are some additional costs such as packaging, transportation and taxes that need to be taken into account.

In summary, the PCB assembly cost of each component is determined by the board cost, processing cost, testing cost and other additional costs, and the specific cost will vary according to the specific needs of the project and the manufacturer’s quotation.

What is the cheapest PCB finish?

The cheapest PCB surface treatment process is hot air solder leveling (HASL). ‌

HASL is a commonly used PCB surface treatment process, which is divided into lead-containing tin and lead-free tin. It is one of the most commonly used and relatively inexpensive surface treatment processes.

This process is to immerse the circuit board in molten solder (tin/lead), and then the solder covers all exposed copper surfaces on the board to form a HASL surface finish.

HASL is not only one of the cheapest types of PCB surface treatment, but its process temperature is 250℃, the shelf life can reach 12 months, and the surface treatment thickness ranges from 1-40um, making it an economical and practical choice.

In addition, HASL is divided into leaded and lead-free. Although the leaded version is gradually replaced by the lead-free version for environmental reasons, the lead-free HASL still maintains a low cost, making it the preferred choice for projects with limited budgets‌.‌

Do vias make PCBs more expensive?

Vias may indeed increase the cost of PCBs. ‌

How much does a custom PCB cost per unit? How to calculate?

Vias are an important part of multi-layer PCB boards, and they play a key role in the design and manufacturing process of circuit boards. Vias can be divided into buried vias, blind vias and through holes. Among them, through holes pass through the entire circuit board and are used to achieve internal interconnection or component installation and positioning. They are the most commonly used types.

The number and type of vias directly affect the cost of the PCB, because each via needs to go through processes such as drilling and electroplating, which account for a considerable part of the cost of PCB board manufacturing.

Factors that affect the cost of PCBs also include the size of the vias. The smaller the via, the greater the manufacturing difficulty, and the corresponding increase in cost.

In addition, different types of vias require different processing technologies and materials, which also affects the cost. For example, the processing processes and difficulties of blind and buried vias are different, resulting in different prices.

The price difference between blind and buried vias is mainly caused by many factors such as material cost, complexity of processing process and difficulty of processing. Blind vias require double-sided or multi-layer composite boards, which have higher material costs, while buried vias can be processed using single-sided boards, which have relatively low costs.

In addition, the processing processes of blind vias are diverse, the process is complex, and higher technology and cost are required. The processing time is long and the manufacturing cost is relatively high.

In summary, the number, type, size and processing method of vias will affect the cost of PCB. When designing PCB, it is necessary to find a balance between function and cost to optimize the design and cost control.


The unit cost of PCB is affected by many factors, including but not limited to the number of layers, material, drilling amount, and surface treatment process of the board. BEST Technology has many years of experience in PCB board design and has skilled experience in handling various factors that affect PCB cost. It can help you find the best way to solve all your concerns about PCB cost.

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What are the factors that affect the price of PCB boards?
星期二, 20 8 月, 2024

There are many factors that affect pcb board price. The diversity of PCB processing prices has its inherent inevitable factors, which are closely related to materials, processes and other aspects. As an important part of electronic components, PCB boards play a very important role in the electronics industry. One of the important problems is that prices fluctuate greatly, which brings great uncertainty to the production and operation of enterprises.

How much do pcb board price?

The price of PCB is determined by many factors, including board cost, processing cost, quality inspection cost, etc. ‌

‌Board cost‌ is the main component of PCB cost, accounting for about half of the total cost. The cost of boards depends on factors such as material, thickness, size and quality. For example, the prices of different types of plates such as FR4, CEM-1, and aluminum substrates vary significantly. The cost of panels will be affected by multiple factors such as market supply and demand, raw material price fluctuations, and the complexity of the production process.

What are the factors that affect pcb board price?

‌Processing costs‌ include cutting, drilling, electroplating, lamination and other links. The equipment and process requirements of each link will affect the final cost. The depreciation costs of high-end equipment, workers’ operational proficiency and the degree of optimization of the production process are all key factors that affect processing costs.

‌Quality inspection cost‌ is also an important part of PCB cost. Strict quality testing is required during the production process, including environmental adaptability testing, electrical performance testing, etc. The number and stringency of these testing items will also affect production costs.

In addition, the cost of PCB also includes indirect costs, such as equipment depreciation expenses, labor costs, management expenses, R&D expenses, etc. Batch size and yield control are also important factors that affect cost. Large-volume production usually reduces unit costs, and high yield means lower costs. Therefore, the specific cost of PCB needs to be comprehensively evaluated based on factors such as specific board type, processing requirements, testing standards, and production batches.

Why is PCB so expensive?

‌The price of PCB is high mainly because its production involves multiple cost factors and complex processes. ‌

The production cost of PCB is affected by the cost of materials.

PCB boards are mainly made of materials such as copper, fiberglass, and epoxy resin. The cost of these materials directly affects the final price of the PCB board. In addition, the complexity of PCB design and manufacturing is also an important factor affecting the price. The design and manufacturing process requires precise tools and specialized skills. The more complex the design, the higher the fees paid to the designer. The complexity of the manufacturing process will also lead to increased costs.

Accuracy and quality are also key factors in determining pcb board price.

High-precision PCBs require higher manufacturing costs because they require more precise tools and more rigorous manufacturing processes. High-quality PCBs usually need to go through more quality control steps, which also increases costs.

Supply chain and regional differences are also factors that affect pcb board price.

Changes in the global supply chain and differences in production costs in different regions will be reflected in pcb board price.

In terms of production process.

PCB production includes multiple stages, such as pre-processing, image transfer, electroplating, etching, inspection and trimming, and post-processing. Each stage requires specific technology and equipment, which also increases production costs.

In addition, the price of PCB is also affected by a variety of other factors, including surface treatment technology, copper foil thickness, customer’s quality acceptance standards, mold fees and test rack fees, payment methods and order volume/delivery time, etc. For example, different surface treatment processes (such as OSP, leaded tin spraying, lead-free tin spraying, etc.) and copper foil thickness will lead to price differences; the higher the customer’s quality acceptance standards, the higher the price; mass production may require Molds and test racks, which also add cost.

To sum up, the high price of PCB is mainly due to the fact that its production involves a variety of materials, complex processes, high precision and quality requirements, and a variety of factors that affect cost.

How much gold is in a PCB board?

‌PCB boards contain a certain amount of gold, but the exact amount varies depending on the type and application of the PCB board.

What are the factors that affect pcb board price?

PCB board (printed circuit board) is an indispensable component of most electronic products and is used to interconnect circuits. With the development of technology, some special electronic copper-clad laminates can even be used directly to manufacture electronic components.

In the manufacturing process of PCB boards, gold is often used as a material for surface treatment, especially in some high-end or special application PCB boards. For example, components such as motherboards, CPUs, random access memory chips (RAM), internal modems, PCI boards, Ethernet ports, etc. often contain gold on their connection pins and surface layers. The use of this gold not only increases the value of the product, but also improves its performance and reliability‌.

As for the specific gold content, although there is no fixed ratio, data shows that 1 ton of circuit boards contains at least 80 grams of gold, and chip packaging also contains gold and other precious metals such as silver. This shows that recycling precious metals such as gold from electronic waste has considerable economic value‌. In addition, the application of gold in PCB boards is usually achieved by electroplating. Sometimes a layer of nickel is added between gold and copper as a barrier layer to prevent electron migration and diffusion reactions between them.

To sum up, although the gold content in PCB boards is not high, its existence is crucial to improving the performance and reliability of electronic products, and it also has certain economic value in electronic waste recycling.

How much does it cost to replace a PCB board?

Cost estimation method in PCB processing factory The cost of PCB is composed of many factors. Most of the cost comes from the number of layers, material, drilling volume, surface treatment process, etc. of the board. Generally speaking, the cost of the board is about 1% of the total cost. About half.

According to speculation, the processing cost of PCB with more than 6 layers of material per square centimeter can be estimated as follows:

(1) For every two additional layers of the line, the cost increases by 0. 05 yuan, that is, 0. 05 yuan/cm2;

(2) Screen printing layer and solder mask layer, film cost, 300 yuan;

(3) The circuit layer film fee is 100 yuan per layer.

Actual costs should be inquired from the manufacturer.

Design requirements (1) Among the PCB processing costs, the board cost accounts for about half. Therefore, the smaller and thinner the board size, the higher the utilization rate, and the lower the cost.

(2) In terms of surface treatment, based on spray tin spraying, the surface treatment cost OSP is about 20% lower, ENIG is about 20% higher, and Im-Sn and Im-Ag are basically the same as spray tin spraying.

(3) The number of laminations has a greater impact on the cost. Each additional time will increase the total cost by about 3%.

(4) Special processes, such as buried copper, are relatively expensive and require separate communication with the manufacturer.

(5) The cost of line width/line spacing less than or equal to 3mil/3mil is about 6% higher than the cost of greater than 3mil/3mil.

(6) Adding one stage to the HDI board will increase the cost by about 18%. Therefore, the use of HDI needs to be carefully considered.

Are old PCBs worth anything?

Old PCBs not only have economic value, but also have important significance and value in environmental protection, art, etc.

pcb board price?

There are a lot of gold elements on old PCBs, because circuit interfaces are often plated with gold to increase contact performance and prevent corrosion. In addition, waste printed circuit boards also contain a variety of valuable metals. The main direction of recycling waste circuit boards is the recycling of metals.

These circuit boards contain a large amount of precious metals and rare materials. According to data, the metal contains about 20% copper, 8% iron, 2% nickel, 4% tin, 2% zinc and other common metals, and about 0.1 % gold, 0.2% silver, 0.005% palladium and other precious metals, and also contains many toxic and harmful heavy metals, such as lead, hexavalent chromium, mercury, cadmium, etc. With the right recycling techniques and processes, these valuable materials can be extracted and used to produce new electronic products.

This can not only save resources and reduce damage to the natural environment, but also effectively reduce production costs. Therefore, discarded PCB circuit boards should not be simply regarded as garbage, but should be regarded as a valuable resource.

With a combination of technology and creativity, electronics enthusiasts and artists have discovered a variety of ways to transform discarded circuit boards into unique pieces of art, home décor, or functional items. Through careful disassembly and reassembly, these discarded circuit boards are given a new life.

How can I make PCB cheaper?

1. ‌Optimized design‌: Correct component placement and layout design can significantly reduce PCB costs and improve circuit performance‌.

2. ‌Choose the right material‌: Choose the right PCB material according to the application scenario.

3. Optimize line spacing: By optimizing line width and line spacing, you can avoid additional adding.

4. Optimize the process‌: Use more efficient manufacturing processes such as the V-cut process to reduce material waste and improve sheet utilization.

5. ‌Mass production and panelization‌: Carry out mass production according to demand, enjoy batch discounts and discounts, and reduce unit prices‌.

6. ‌Technical improvement‌: Introduce advanced equipment and processes to improve production efficiency and reduce error rates, thereby reducing production costs‌.

Through the comprehensive application of the above strategies, the cost of PCB can be effectively reduced while ensuring product quality and production efficiency.


Understanding the factors that affect pcb board price during the production and processing stages can help you make cost-effective decisions to ensure the quality of your products while saving money. BEST Technology has extensive design and production experience in PCB manufacturing and can effectively help you solve pcb board price issues.

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