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10 Common Components on a PCBA for Beginners
Wednesday, September 4th, 2024

Even though we live in a world full of electronic gadgets, electronic devices are still shrouded in mystery. The working principle of electronic projects may seem very abstract, as the interior of these gadgets does not seem to have any visible mechanical parts. There are no moving parts such as gears or shafts on the printed circuit board, nor any significant visual changes.

The flow of electricity is invisible and can only be perceived by the effect it produces. Therefore, for those who want to dabble in the field of electronics making, making electronics as a hobby can seem like an extremely challenging task. It seems hard to imagine building something without fully understanding the principles behind it.

What does PCBA mean?

PCBA is the abbreviation of Printed Circuit Board Assembly, which refers to the process of welding, inserting, etc. of electronic components to the circuit board, and welding, inserting, etc. PCBA is an indispensable and important link in the manufacture of electronic products, which directly affects the performance stability and service life of electronic products.

The manufacturing process of PCBA mainly includes components mounting, welding, post-welding processing and functional testing. The first is the component mounting, which is a process of welding the patch components, plug-in components, etc., to the PCB. Then there is welding, through traditional wave soldering or modern lead-free welding and other methods, the components are firmly fixed on the PCB. After that, the welding process is mainly to remove the welding slag on the PCBA surface, clean the PCBA surface, and check the solder joints and components of PCBA. Finally, the functional test is carried out, which is the last step in the PCBA process, and the PCBA is fully functional tested by various test equipment to ensure the stability and reliability of PCBA.

Applications of PCBA

PCBA products are widely used in various electronic products, such as household appliances, communication equipment, automotive electronics, industrial control equipment, etc.  You can see it everywhere.

Different electronic products have different requirements for PCBA. Some require PCBA to be small and exquisite, some require PCBA to be high temperature and high pressure resistant, and some require PCBA to be waterproof and dustproof. With the rapid development of 5G, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and other fields, PCBA will be more widely used, and PCBA’s performance and reliability requirements will also be higher.

Common components on a PCBA and their symbols

1. Resistor

    Resistors are one of the most commonly used electronic components in PCBA, used to limit the current in the circuit. According to different materials, structures, and resistance values, resistors can be divided into fixed resistors, variable resistors, and special resistors. Resistors are widely used in various circuits, such as power circuits, amplification circuits, signal processing circuits, etc., to achieve current regulation and control.

    2. Capacitor

    A capacitor is a component that stores charge and electrical energy, with the characteristic of blocking direct current and passing alternating current. In PCBA, capacitors are commonly used in circuits such as filtering, coupling, tuning, and bypassing to improve circuit performance and stability. According to their different structures and applications, capacitors can be divided into fixed capacitors, variable capacitors, and fine tuned capacitors.

    3. Inductor

    Inductor, also known as induction coil, has the function of storing magnetic energy. In circuits, inductors can prevent changes in current and play a role in filtering and stabilizing the current. Inductance has a wide range of applications in power filtering, signal processing, and other fields.

    4. Diode

    A diode is an electronic component with unidirectional conductivity, widely used in circuits such as rectification, detection, and voltage regulation. In PCBA, diodes can achieve functions such as voltage regulation, signal amplification, and switch control in the circuit. Common diodes include silicon diodes and germanium diodes, whose performance parameters such as forward voltage drop and reverse breakdown voltage determine their application scenarios.

    5. Transistor

    Transistors are electronic components with functions such as amplification and switching, and are the core components that make up various circuits. In PCBA, transistors are commonly used in amplification circuits, oscillation circuits, switch circuits, etc. to achieve signal amplification, frequency conversion, and circuit control. There are many types of transistors, including bipolar transistors, field-effect transistors, etc., each with its own characteristics, widely used in various electronic devices.

    6. IC Integrated circuit

    Integrated circuit is an electronic component that integrates multiple electronic components on a single chip, with advantages such as small size, low power consumption, and stable performance. In PCBA, integrated circuits are key components for implementing various complex functions, such as digital signal processing, analog signal processing, communication interfaces, etc. Common integrated circuits include operational amplifiers, logic gate circuits, microprocessors, etc., which are widely used in various intelligent devices and systems.

    7. Sensor

    Sensors can sense physical quantities or states in the environment and convert them into electrical signals for output. In PCBA, sensors are commonly used to detect parameters such as temperature, humidity, light, pressure, etc., providing data support for intelligent control of electronic devices. There are various types of sensors with different performances, and choosing the appropriate sensor is crucial for improving the performance and user experience of electronic devices.

    8. Controllable silicon rectifier (SCR)

    Also known as thyristors, silicon controlled rectifiers (SCR) are similar to transistors and diodes – their working principle is essentially the coordinated operation of two transistors. Although SCR also has three pins, they are composed of four layers of silicon material instead of three layers, and are only used as switches, not amplifiers. Unlike single transistors that require continuous current to remain on, SCR only requires one pulse to activate the switch. They are very suitable for converting large amounts of electricity.

    9. Crystal oscillator

    Crystal oscillators provide clock signals in many circuits that require precise and stable timing. By physically oscillating piezoelectric materials (such as crystals), they generate periodic electronic signals, hence their name. Each crystal oscillator is designed to vibrate at a specific frequency, which is more stable, economical, and smaller in size than other timing methods. That’s why they are commonly used for precise timing in microcontrollers, or more commonly as clock components in quartz watches.

    10. Switches and relays

    A basic and easily overlooked component, a switch is simply a power button that controls the current in a circuit by switching between open or closed circuits. They vary greatly in appearance, from sliders, rotations, buttons, levers, toggles, key switches, and more. Similarly, a relay is an electromagnetic switch that operates through a solenoid, acting like a temporary magnet when a current flows through it. They act as switches and amplify small currents into larger ones.

    Now that you’re familiar with some basic electronic components, why not dive into creating your own electronics project? Instead of starting with a complex project featuring advanced functions, begin with a few simple ones. As with any hobby, you’ll encounter challenges along the way, but these hurdles are not insurmountable. With accessible and affordable beginner electronics tools like Arduino and CAD tools, the maker community welcomes new PCB designs and projects every day.

    In addition to PCB manufacturing, Best Technology offers a full turnkey service, including parts procurement and assembly. Whether you’re working on prototypes or scaling up to mass production, Best Team provides a one-stop solution for seamless and hassle-free PCB assembly.

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    PCB vs CCA: What is a Circuit Card Assembly?
    Monday, July 22nd, 2024

    Hey there! If you’re curious about circuit card assembly (CCAs) and what makes them tick, you’ve come to the right place. CCAs are the unsung heroes behind many of the electronic devices we use every day. Let’s dive into what they are, their essential parts, how they’re made, and why they’re so important.

    What is a circuit card assembly?

    Circuit card assembly or CCA is the process of producing printed circuit boards. In essence, it is the same as PCBA (PCB assembly), just in different name. CCA is a manufacturing technology that converts raw materials into printed circuit boards. It is used in many industries, including the military and aerospace sectors. This type of manufacturing requires skilled professionals to lay out the design and then assemble it. If you are planning to buy a batch of circuit card components, here are some things you should know about CCA.

    PCB vs CCA: What is a Circuit Card Assembly?

    A circuit card is a thin, flat dielectric material on which conductive paths or traces are etched. These paths connect various electronic components. They are also used to connect components to sockets on printed circuit boards. Circuit card assy is the process of manufacturing circuit card components. The process involves adding electronic components to the substrate.

    Key components of a circuit card assembly (CCA)

    Circuit card assembly have several key components to make the circuit function properly. These can be divided into three basic components.

    • Printed Circuit Board (PCB)
    • Electronic component
    • Solder paste
    • Printed Circuit Board (PCB)

    This is the backbone of the CCA. The printed circuit board provides the structural foundation on which all other components are mounted. A PCB is typically made of a flat, insulating material such as FR4 fiberglass, which is layered with conductive tracks made of copper. These tracks form the circuit pathways that connect various electronic components. The PCB board can be single-sided, with components and conductive tracks on one side only, or double-sided, with tracks and components on both sides. For more complex applications, multi-layer PCBs are used, which consist of multiple layers of insulating material and conductive pathways stacked together. These printed circuit boards are essential in ensuring that electrical signals are routed efficiently and reliably across the assembly.

    PCB vs CCA: What is a Circuit Card Assembly?

    • Electronic Components

    These include resistors, capacitors, integrated circuits, transistors, and more passive and positive components. Each part plays a specific role in the circuit, like pieces of a puzzle fitting together to make a complete picture. Resistors control the flow of electrical current, capacitors store and release energy, integrated circuits (ICs) perform various functions like processing and memory storage, and transistors act as switches or amplifiers. These components are carefully placed on the PCB in positions that allow them to connect and interact as designed.

    PCB vs CCA: What is a Circuit Card Assembly?

    • Solder paste

    Solder paste is like the glue that holds everything together, but it’s electrically conductive. It’s used to attach the electronic components to the PCB, so that they can stay put and work properly. Soldering creates a strong, conductive bond between the component leads and the PCB’s copper tracks. There are different types of soldering, such as lead-based and lead-free solders, each with its specific properties and applications. The soldering process can be done manually or using automated printing machines, depending on the complexity and volume of the assembly. Please noticed that solder paste should used in a very short time, otherwise, it will become dry solder paste.

    PCB vs CCA: What is a Circuit Card Assembly?

    What is the Difference Between a PCB and a CCA?

    You might wonder, what’s the difference between a PCB and a CCA? Well, here’s a quick rundown:

    AspectPCB (Printed Circuit Board)CCA (Circuit Card Assembly)
    DefinitionA blank board with conductive pathwaysA PCB populated with electronic components
    ComponentsNo electronic componentsIncludes electronic components like resistors, capacitors, ICs
    FunctionalityServes as the foundation for electronic circuitsA functional electronic circuit ready for use in devices
    Manufacturing StepsInvolves design, etching, and printing of conductive pathsInvolves PCB manufacturing plus component placement and soldering
    Usage StageIntermediate stage in manufacturingFinal stage, ready for integration into electronic devices
    ComplexityLess complex, involves fewer manufacturing stepsMore complex, involves multiple stages of assembly and testing

    What is the circuit card assembly manufacturing process?

    Making a CCA is a multi-step process:


    First, the PCB layout is designed using computer software. It includes numerous steps, like schematic drawing, layout design, SI, PI analysis, DFM. This can ensure the PCB board can fit all the necessary components and function correctly.


    The PCB is then fabricated, which involves creating the physical board with layers of insulating and conductive materials. This is where the board gets its pathways. In this step, proceed strict quality control process to make sure the bare boards are qualified.

    Component Placement

    Next, printing solder paste and preparing components, then place them onto the PCB board according to the BOM file (bill of material). After setting up the pick and place machine, automated machines can precisely position each component based on the design.


    The components are soldered to the PCB. This can be done using methods like wave soldering or reflow soldering to ensure everything is securely attached and electrically connected. You must know, different products require different parameters, please make sure all the parameters like temperatures, time are suitable.

    Inspection and Testing

    The assembled CCA goes through rigorous inspection and testing to ensure it works as intended. This includes visual inspections, automated optical inspections (AOI), in-circuit testing (ICT), aging testing and functional testing.

    Final Assembly

    If the CCA passes all tests, it moves on to final assembly, where it’s integrated into the larger electronic system or device. That is we say the box building assembly.

    What are the types of circuit card assembly?

    CCAs can be divided into various types according to the different manufacturing technology.

    Through-Hole Technology (THT) Assembly

    Here, components have leads or pins inserted into holes drilled through the PCB and soldered on the other side. This method provides strong mechanical bonds, making it great for components that experience mechanical stress. It’s often used in aerospace, military, and industrial equipment.

    Surface Mount Technology (SMT) Assembly

    In SMT, components are mounted directly onto the PCB surface using solder paste. No drilling required, which allows for higher component density and smaller PCBs. This method is commonly used in consumer electronics, telecommunications, and automotive industries.

    Box Building Assembly

    Box building assembly involves the complete assembly of electronic systems, including CCAs, into enclosures or boxes. This process includes not only the assembly of the PCB but also the integration of cables, connectors, and other components into a final product. Box building is ideal for producing complete electronic devices ready for end-use.

    Advanced materials for CCAs

    Advanced materials help CCAs perform better and last longer:

    • High-Temperature Laminates (e.g., FR-4, Polyimide)

    High temperature laminate like FR4 or polyimide. These materials can handle extreme conditions without breaking down. FR-4 is popular for its excellent thermal and mechanical properties, while polyimide is great for high-temperature stability.

    • Flexible Substrates (e.g., Kapton, PET)

    Kapton and PET are the most common flexible substrate. These materials allow CCAs to bend and flex. Kapton, a type of polyimide, is known for its high thermal resistance and flexibility, making it perfect for wearable electronics and medical devices. PET (polyethylene terephthalate) is another flexible material with good electrical insulation properties.

    • Advanced Solder Compounds

    SAC305 (a lead-free alloy of tin, silver, and copper) is favored for its mechanical and thermal properties. Whatever you want to mount a ceramic PCB or the flexible PCB, it is the best choice. Sn63Pb37, a traditional tin-lead solder, is still used for its ease of use and excellent performance.

    Reliable circuit card assembly manufacturers

    Choosing the right manufacturer for your CCAs is key to getting quality products. PCBonline and Best Technology are go-to-choice reliable circuit card assembly manufacturers. Both of them has advanced pick and place machine, full-auto SPI, AOI equipment, ensuring a good quality.

    As a leading manufacturer in the circuit card assembly, Best Technology prides full turn-key service, ranging from the PCB design, PCB fabricating, electronic component sourcing, circuit card assembly and box build assembly. We handle complex and high-volume orders efficiently, ensuring timely and fast delivery without sacrificing quality. In 2023 alone, we completed over 5000 high-complexity projects with a client satisfaction rate of over 98%.

    It is crucial for anyone to fullly understand the circuit card assembly in the electronics industry. From their basic components and manufacturing process to the advanced materials used, CCAs are the backbone of modern electronic devices.

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